APR-19 #HyperWorkouts – 8w Gym Workout Program

10 min read


5x DAY Strength & Hypertrophy Gym Workout Program – 8-week Flexible + Volume-Centric Resistance Training, where the focus is on achieving Progressive Overload from session to session whilst offering flexibility and variation.

Read on for the APR-19 #HyperWorkouts Gym Workout Program that contains 5x 60-90min workouts, each with their accompanying Instagram & Youtube videos, plus workout lists for each day.


  1. Gym Workout Program Objectives
  2. Gym Workout Program Assets – mobile-friendly programme/workouts downloads, workout videos and training block guidance
  3. Free Automatic Routine Import into HeavySet iOS App
  4. Who this Training Block is best suited to
  5. Useful Resources for further reading, depending on goal & current knowledge
  6. And for the gym geeks, the Design Principles and other Training Pointers


  1. Increasing Overall Strength, CNS Control & Biomechanical Function with the Big Compound Lifts
  2. Full Body Muscle Growth (Hypertrophy) & Strength Development
  3. Escalating Volume Goals, to ensure there is deliberate weekly progressively overload
  4. Introducing Careful Variety by allowing exercise options and free play. Creating the opportunity to make every workout difference an interesting

IMPORTANT: Can be used for Lowering, Increasing or Maintaining Bodyweight. The critical factor to which path you take on this workout program will be your diet.


APR-19 Gents HyperWorkouts - Weight Lifting Gym Workout Plan & Gym WORKOUT Program
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APR-19 Workout Program Guidance

  1. Use HeavySet to track each workout so overall volume can be logged
  2. 7-10%+ On Repeat – Each time a Session is repeated, aim 7%+ increase in Training Volume
  3. Exercise Pairs 1-5 – choose one of these exercises, based on preference that day
  4. Exercise 1 – Heavy / Strength lift, so aim for 4-8 reps with max 1 rep left in reserve
  5. Exercise 2-6 – Eccentric Focus with Good Form. Slow the lowering portion of each rep
  6. Exercise 6 (Freeplay) – choose any exercise or a supperset pair that matches the session focus
  7. Volume & Bodyweight – log weights only, unless an exercise is bodyweight dependant
  8. Workout Flexibility – In addition to exercises, you have flexibility in Reps, Sets, Weight & Rest.
  9. Workout Finisher – 5-10mins Steady State Cardio / 5-10mins HIIT Cardio / 3 Sets of an Ab Giant Set

For more info on the weight lifting routine design, training pointer specific to this Gym Workout Program, and some general gym guidance, advance to the PRINCIPLES & POINTERS section.



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Or, check out the YouTube Workout video for Day 1.

APR-19 #HyperWorkouts - Day 1 - Weight Lifting Gym Workout Plan & Gym Workout Program
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Or, check out the YouTube Workout video for Day 2.

APR-19 HyperWorkouts - Day 2 - Weight Lifting Gym Workout Plan & Gym Workout Program
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Or, check out the YouTube Workout video for Day 3.

APR-19 HyperWorkouts - Day 3 - Weight Lifting Gym Workout Plan & Gym Workout Program
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Or, check out the YouTube Workout video for Day 4.

APR-19 HyperWorkouts - Day 4 - Weight Lifting Gym Workout Plan & Gym Workout Program
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Or, check out the YouTube Workout video for Day 5.

APR-19 HyperWorkouts - Day 5 - Weight Lifting Gym Workout Plan & Gym Workout Program
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IMPORT & Start Training Right Away!

If you don’t measure, you can’t manage. Plus, if you want to efficiently get started and blitz through these workouts, there is no better solution than to get this entire Gym Workout Program loaded up into HeavySet with just a couple clicks.

AdapNation on HeavySet - Helping you perform Weight Lifting Gym Workout Plans
The best of both worlds – Expert Programming on the Best Weight Lifting Training App!

Here’s what you need to do:

STEP 1: Install HeavySet iOS App and accept terms (you can perform 2x workouts for free)

STEP 2: Press the button below to load data into HeavySet

STEP 3: Open up the HeavySet app, where it will recognise the routine to import. Click Import and Choose.
STEP 4: Train! Just click on the imported Folder, and select Day 1. Hope you’re in your gym gear already…

Already Subscribed? Press "update your profile" above. A Follow up email will point you to your preferences page, where you'll find an exclusive resources link.

How to use #HyperWorkouts in HeavySet?



Anyone can pick up this programme and benefit. Whether it’s ladies wishing to lose weight and tone up, beginner guys who wants to develop a muscular physique, or for seasoned intermediate lifters who want to develop greater strength and more muscle mass. No age, capability or sex bias here – anyone can make progress with this well-rounded workout program.

P.S. There are Female-Centric #HyperWorkouts Gym Workout Programs too, if you’re looking workouts with greater focus on what ladies generally prioritise.

What’s Critical to Note is this…

You can’t out-train a bad diet, and any physique goal must be paired with a diet plan/approach that helps support either Muscle Growth OR Losing Fat (you have to choose, unfortunately).

So, a female will not get bulky and muscly on this plan, unless they are making a concerted effort to match the programme with a very specific calorie-suplus and protein-rich diet plan. Likewise, a male will not lose 20 pounds of weight by following this workout program if he is consuming more calories daily than he is burning through exercise and daily activity.


A. If You Want To Get Bigger, Stronger (& Leaner)

Listen to this AdapNation Podcast – #7: Lean Muscle Growth – the 3 Key Pillars to Getting Started, and follow this Training Programme. You will see results.

How to add lean muscle whilst doing weight lifting workouts
PODCAST: Listen in on how to build lean muscle mass

If you want to double-click into Progressive Overload, then check out this Podcast – #34: What Is Progressive Overload & All The Ways To Do It.

Podcast discussing the importance of progressive overload when lifting weights
#34: What Is Progressive Overload & All The Ways To Do It

There is a ton other useful discussion on Training & Nutrition related topics on the AdapNation Podcast – check it out on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

B. If You’re Looking For Useful Gym & Training Guidance

Check out the AdapNation PT Corner, where you can find how-to’s, nifty gym tools, great insights and some interesting perspectives to staying motivating and achieving physique results.

AdapNation PT Corner - All things gym training and weight lifting
AdapNation PT Corner – click through to check out a variety of training an physique related content

C. If You Want To Lose Weight (& not necessarily put on muscle size)

Listen to this 2-Part AdapNation Podcast – 101 on Losing Fat for GOOD! Revisited, or read the associated 3-Part Article – Losing Body Fat For Good – Here’s All You Need To Know, and follow this gym workout program. You will see results you want. Strength training is that versatile.

Podcast on How to lose fat for good
LOSING WEIGHT: The definitive guide to managing bodyweight for the long term

D. If You Want Guidance On Eating To Thrive AND Look Good

Then you’ll want to read up about AdapNation’s IIFYM+ Thrive Eating Approach, as well as check out the 90+ (and growing) exciting meal ideas at AdapNation’s Food Diary. Lastly, check out this Article or Podcast, if you want some practical selection, prepping and cooking tips from Michelle.

AdapNation IIFYM+ Thrive Diet Eating Approach
NUTRITION: AdapNation’s IIFYM+ Thrive – Great Body & Nutritional Wellness


  1. Lift Heavy on Exercise 1 – This is where you will direct a big portion of your mental and physical energy towards. You should be at an RPE of 8 or higher / 85-90% 1RM.
  2. Frequency & Full-Body – whilst the focus of any day is one of the primary Compound Lifts, this programme has been designed to ensure each muscle group is trained at least twice a week. Furthermore, a focus on different aspects, angles and planes added into each workout.
  3. Daily Undulating Periodisation (DUP) – A fancy term for explaining there are different rep ranges within each workout, to stimulate different muscle fibres and energy systems.
  4. Workout Volume Tracking & Goal Setting – Even more so with this training block, there is a need to track every set within a workout. In HeavySet, you can review prior workout volume and get a realtime read on current workout volume. Aim to add 7-10% extra volume from the prior session of a given workout.
  5. Don’t Peak Too Soon! – Avoid having an enormous week 1 in terms of workout volume, and/or going for huge 15%+ volume increases from week-to-week. You won’t be able to keep up by the backend of the 8 weeks. Just FYI, the difference between 7% and 10% week-on-week volume increase is a 72% vs 114% increase in week 1 volume by week 8! Both are massive victories!
  6. Workout Flexibility – Within HeavySet, you can select the name of the current Exercise and either skip or move to an alternative programmed exercise. You will be skipping one of each exercise pair (1-5).
  7. Adding More Work – Within HeavySet, you can add more sets easily across any exercise. You could choose to partially or fully do some of the alternative exercise pairs. You can also easily add in adhoc exercises, which will make up the Free Play (exercise 6) slot.
  8. Choosing Relevant Free Play Exercise(s) – Each day suggests the muscle group for the Free Play exercise or superset. This could be one of your favourite exercises, or focussing on your lagging body parts.
  9. Finisher Is Optional – If you’re working hard enough, the little finishers are a little bonus if you have the energy or you need for a little cardio, HIIT or Abs work. 5-10mins only – don’t burn yourself out.


  1. Progressive Overload is the Most Important Thing – The name of the game is to progress in some fashion every week. This creates a stress response that results in muscle damage followed by repair and body adaptation. So, always aim to improve each lift from week-to-week. Whether it’s more weight (with good form), another set or a couple more reps. Ultimately, you’re looking for more volume from week-to-week (Volume = Weight x Sets x Reps). This Podcast walks you through Progressive Overload and all the ways to do it.
  2. The Non-Essential Mobility & Pre-Activation/Power Drills are designed to be completed in 5-10mins Max – You don’t need to do them per se, as they are not core to you burning calories or taxing your body. They are there to prime your body for the functional movements of the day. I personally always do them, but if you feel good to crack on as soon as you walk through the gym, then go for it. You can also do these in between your sets, should you feel a bit tight or are missing mind-muscle connection.
  3. Warming Up Recommendations – I would always do 5-10mins of walking / light cycling or 1-2mins of skipping rope to get the blood flowing and raise my body temperature before getting started. In addition, I recommend completing a few escalating Warm Up sets ahead of your big Compound Lift for the day (exercise 1). It’s a bad idea to get straight into the maximum weight without a few lighter practice sets.
  4. The Role of Cardio – For a deep dive into the pros and cons of cardio, I would recommend you list to this AdapNation Podcast – #4: Cardio Pro and Con Deep Dive. In summary, if you are not training to be an endurance athlete, and cardio is purely a means to burn calories for you, then for the most part you can switch cardio for resistance training. The 5-10mins moderate steady state cardio (or you can do HIIT cardio) finishers are more for active recovery after weight training and getting some stress-relieving deep breaths in, versus the calorie burn.
  5. Increase your NEAT for greater Calorie Burn & Weight Loss – instead of doing loads of cardio exercise, I would generally recommend you increase your NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). Basically, your moving around during the day. Go for walks, stand up regularly from your desk, do housework, yoga, get your steps in etc. You have the chance to burn significantly more calories through NEAT than pounding the streets for 30-60mins.
  6. Expect a 300-600 Calorie Burn, plus More! – On average, I burn about 500-600 calories per training session. Lighter folk or those with less muscle will burn less, naturally. Moreover, there then is the recovery energy needed to repair which is yet more calories burned. Even better still, the more lean mass on your frame, the higher your BMR is – as in, you burn more calories every day just by having more muscle. It’s a beautiful thing! I use an Apple Watch to estimate my calorie burn during exercise and during the day.


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3 thoughts on “APR-19 #HyperWorkouts – 8w Gym Workout Program

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  1. The heavyset button isn’t working. Is there something we can copy in to the clip board?

    1. I have iOS 13 beta. It’s a bit buggy. On initial attempt the button didn’t work. Then realised the page was completely unresponsive to link clicks. I refreshed the page, and all resumed, including the HeavySet Button. Hope this helps John

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