#37: Training Considerations for ‘Older’ Gym-Goers – Bryn’s PT Observations & Recommendations

2 min read


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Steve’s 37 and Bryn is 29. Neither are spring chickens, but we still feel like youth is on our side. In part this comes from the actions we take towards health, nutrition and strength, and in part our assumptions of what getting older should ‘feel’ and ‘look’ like.

And given Bryn’s PT practice works with a reasonable volume of ‘older’, say 40-80 years old, we thought it would make for a good episode to discuss the observational and recommendation differences between a young person and someone more mature.

For younger folk, this episode is looking into a crystal ball into the future, and should give you food for thought. And for those in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and older, you should be able to take some comfort, inspiration and practical recommendations from this discussion.

For the first 5 mins, Steve has a quick rant about the amount of accumulated crap in his house they are having to sift through as part of a multi-room decoration effort.

Here’s what we cover:

1️⃣ – Actual Age vs Fitness Age – it’s time to reset your view of what ‘old’ feels like

2️⃣ – There’s a decline in body health and mobility – 40 year olds are coming in riddled with issues

3️⃣ – Body goals morphing from purely aesthetics to including longevity and function as people get older

4️⃣ – Considerations for working on BIG aesthetic goals for the older population

5️⃣ – Muscle building hormonal differences between young and older people

6️⃣ – Bryn’s Top 7 Observations and Recommendations for older clients –

To be clear, this is not an attempt to label a certain age bracket as old. Instead, this guidance is intended to help understand what changes occur as the human body ages in todays day and age, so that you can set the right expectations and train smart.

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